Echo Farm Puddings

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Gordy & Candle showing off their Champion ribbon.


About Us
Our Story

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Bullet Honor Roll
Bullet Herd Health
Bullet Jerseys
Bullet Milking Shorthorns

Our Cows

Cow comfort is one of our top priorities. Our milking cows are allowed to go out twice a day (for "recess") this gets them off the cement and limits the stress on their joints. Our girls are housed in freestall barns, which means the cows are not tied up and are free to roam about the barn. They have fresh feed and water available to them at all times and are milked twice a day (in 12 hour intervals). Our cows sleep on bedded packs, made with sawdust, that allow the animals a soft place to lay down and room to stretch out.

The milking cows are separated by breeds into two groups. This is because Jerseys and Milking Shorthorns have different nutrient requirements and must be fed separate rations (meals). Jerseys produce milk that is higher in butterfat and protein and must consume more energy in their ration than Shorthorns. The Shorthorns are very efficient at converting nutrients into milk and therefore require less energy to produce the same volume of milk.