Herd Health
We believe in focusing on preventative medicine, like vaccinating
for diseases and treating our sick cows with antibiotics only
when necessary. Federal regulations and safe farm management practices
require that any milk treated with antibiotics be discarded immediately
to prevent contamination of the milk supply. By carefully monitoring
our cows, we are able to diagnose and treat many diseases before
they become too serious. Ask any farmer and he or she will tell
you that herd health is the most important job of a dairy farmer.
This is because when a cow becomes sick, the first thing her body
does is decrease or stop producing milk. Also, when a cow gets
sick, she can't tell you what is wrong, so a farmer must depend
on sharp diagnostic skills and closely watching his or her cows
to make sure they are eating and producing what they should. Since
farmers are paid for milk by the pound, it is to his or her advantage
that every cow be healthy and producing as much milk as she possibly